сегодня не про бисер - про одного одинокого малыша
его зовут Тимур, ему 9 месяцев. Он не мой и вообще ничей - мать отказалась от него в роддоме. Я навещаю его два раза в неделю в детской больнице, куда хожу волонтером ухаживать за отказниками. Сейчас он простужен, но вообще - это абсолютно здоровый ребенок. Ни родовых травм, ни патологий - ничего. Но хоя он здоровый, ласковый, сообразительный мягкий нежный пузатик и уже почти ходит сам у него практически нет шансов быть усыновленным - на титульную нацию не похож. Волосы не светлые, глаза не голубые ... Я реву как дура каждый день, но единственное, что могу для него сделать - писать про него везде и надеяться на чудо. Вот и сюда тоже пишу.
this is not about bead. it's about lonley child
his name is Timur and he is 9 month old. He isn't mine and anybody's else. He was abandoned by his mother immediately after his birth. Now I visit him twice a week as a volunteer in a children's hospital where he recive medical treatment for his chill. Exept for this chill, he is absolutely healthy. No birth trauma, no pathologis. Nothing. But in spite of the fact, that he is healthy and honey and smart and good natured and has almoust studied walk by himself, he hardly has a chance to be adopted in a family. No one will take him cose of his look ((((((( cose he isn't blond and blue-eyed. I cry as a fool everyday and the only thing I can do for him is write about him everywere in hope for miracle, so I write here too...
Oh Mar`ia!
ОтветитьУдалитьHe is so sweet! Its christmas soon! Maybe? I wish this child wonderful parents!
thank you. I'll give him a kiss from you tommorow...
ОтветитьУдалитьI hope sooner he found lovely parents! A lot of kisses for Timur!!!
ОтветитьУдалитьthank you. I hope it too
ОтветитьУдалитьI just don't get it.
ОтветитьУдалитьHe is so very sweet looking baby.
Everywhere in the whole world parents are waiting for years to adopt a kis ,yet he has nobody ?
Why is this place not registered with an organisation where people can adopt a baby from?
Do you know anything about Timur ?
Actually, the problem is that during lasts years much abandoned children have become, whose parents have come to the country from Middle Asia looking for a job. Very often they can hardly feed ourselves, and in most cases they have no social defence and so on and so on... So, there are lots such babyes like Timur in children's houses while most people here prefer to adopt a child who looks like them. So this is realli big problem.
ОтветитьУдалитьAnyway my last news about Timur was VERY GOOD - the process of adoption in a family was in progress. I can't get any informtion since then but I hope everythig'll be ok